White snakes


White Snakes are listed below-


1. California Kingsnake

The California kingsnake is one of the most popular snakes in captivity today. They are easy to care for, adaptable to almost any environment, and breed readily. Their size ranges from 3 inches to 8 feet long.

California kingsnakes are found throughout North America, including southern Canada and Mexico. In fact, some sources claim that the species originated in South America.

2. Bandy-Bandy Snake

The bandy-bandy is one of the most common Australian snakes. They are found throughout much of southern and central Australia, including Tasmania. This particular snake is also known as the brown snake because it looks like a cross between a rattlesnake and a copperhead.

These snakes have very smooth, shiny scales with dark bands along the length of their body. Their coloration varies depending on where they live. In some areas, they are light gray with darker markings while others have yellowish or reddish hues. Some individuals even have black stripes running down their backs.

They usually measure about 30 inches long and weigh anywhere from 2 pounds to 5 pounds. The average size of adult males is slightly larger than females.

3. Common Kingsnake (or Eastern Kingsnake)

The common kingsnake, also known as the Eastern kingsnake, belongs to the genus Lampropeltis. This group of snakes includes several different species, including the Western kingsnake. They are found throughout much of North America, except Alaska and Hawaii. These snakes are generally considered harmless to humans and feed primarily on insects.

Common kingsnakes are slender and relatively small, growing up to about 48 inches in length. They have dark brown bodies with light grayish-white rings around their bodies. Some individuals may have additional white spots on their belly.

These snakes are often seen basking on rocks near water sources. They prefer to live in wooded areas, such as forests, parks, and gardens. Their diet consists mainly of insects, spiders, and worms. Most of their prey items are aquatic, although some species do eat frogs and lizards.

4. Long-Nosed Snake

The Long-Nosed Snake is one of the most commonly seen snakes in North America, found throughout much of the Western Hemisphere. This species is characterized by its long, pointed head, and distinctive pattern of dark stripes running down its back.

This species is often confused with the Black Rat Snake, another member of the Colubridae family. However, the Long-Nosed Snake lacks the black stripe that runs down the center of the Black Rat Snake’s back. In addition, the Long-Nose Snake’s eyes are usually yellowish rather than brownish.

5. Florida Pine Snake

The Florida pine snake is one of the largest species of venomous pit vipers found in North America. They can grow up to 84 inches long, although most snakes fall somewhere around 48-60 inches. They are typically white with black spots on their bodies, though some individuals may be completely unmarked. Most specimens have a light brown head and neck, while others are much darker.

This snake belongs to the genus Pituophis, which contains three subspecies: P. euryxanthus, P. lemniscatus, and P. melanoleucus. All three species are native to the southeastern United States. In addition to being very large, the Florida pine snake is also considered rather docile. While it is capable of inflicting significant injury, bites are usually mild and rarely fatal. If bitten, however, treatment must begin immediately to prevent further damage.

6. Crab-Eating Water Snake (or White-Bellied Mangrove Snake)

The crab-eating water snake comes in a wide range of colors and patterns. In southern Asia, for instance, this snake is often gray or black with some dark spots. However, in New Guinea, Australia, and parts of Africa, these snakes are usually bright yellow, orange, or even red with black and white stripes.

Crab-eating water snakes typically grow up to 35 inches long, although there are some specimens that reach 50 inches. They have fairly powerful bodies, which helps them to take down their favorite food: crabs, shrimp, lobsters, and mollusks. This particular species does not eat fish, however.

Their strong bodies allow the crab-eating water snake to swim well, hunt effectively, and climb trees. Its diet consists mostly of crustaceans and molluscs. These include crabs, shrimp, mud lobsters, and clams.

7. Ghost Snake

The Ghost Snake is a more newly discovered snake species, first spotted in northern Madagascar’s Ankarana National Park. Scientists believe it is a relative of the Oligodon genus, though there are no known specimens of the latter.

These ghost-like snakes are called Madagascarophis lolo because of their ghost-like appearance. They are extremely pale with light grey and white markings along the length of their body. Their eyes are vertically elongated and their heads are shaped like a long oval with a small mouth.

They are very rarely seen due to their secretive nature. In fact, many people are not even aware that such snakes exist.

8. Wild Snakes with Albino and Leucistic Mutations

The natural world is home to many creatures that are unique. Some are born with physical traits that make them stand out among their peers. Others are born with different skin colors, hair patterns, eye color, etc. Here are eight wild snakes with albinism and/or leucism.

1. Slaty Grey Snake

This Australian snake has a greyish-brown head, a light brown body, and a long tail. They live in rainforests and scrublands, eating small lizards, frogs, birds, mice, insects, and even some fish. Their diet consists mostly of invertebrates like worms, crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, ants, spiders, moths, and caterpillars. They are considered one of the most venomous snakes in the world because they bite humans several times throughout their life span.

2. White-bellied Sea Snake

These snakes are native to Southeast Asia. They have a pale yellow belly and a bright orange throat. They prefer to eat crabs, shrimp, octopuses, squid, sea cucumbers, and clams. They are often seen sunbathing on rocks near the ocean.

3. Black Mamba

Black mambas are native to sub-Saharan Africa. These snakes have a thick, muscular body and a large head. They are known for having very potent venom. One drop of their poison can kill a human within 15 minutes. The venom causes severe pain, muscle weakness, respiratory paralysis, and eventually death. Unlike most snakes, they don’t hunt down prey; rather, they wait patiently for something to come along. When threatened, they coil up into a ball and strike with lightning speed.

9. Ball Python

The ball python is one of the most common constrictors kept as pets today. They are usually around 3 feet long and come in many different colors. Some people keep them as pets while others use them for scientific research. These reptiles are native to tropical regions of Central America and South America.

10. Corn Snake

Corn snakes are one of the most common pet reptiles in the United States. They are docile, hardworking, and relatively easy to take care of. There are many different varieties of corn snakes, some of which are albino, while others have vibrant coloration.

The American Society for Reptiles and Amphibians lists 10 types of corn snakes, ranging from “Snowflake,” which has a pale body and red eyes, to “Blizzard,” which has a bright white body and no markings. Some of these snakes have red eyes, while others have dark eyes.

11. Reticulated Python

Reticulated pythons are among the most popular exotic pets. They are one of the few species of python that have been successfully bred in captivity. The largest captive population is kept by reptile enthusiasts at the Reptile Gardens Zoo in Florida. This species can grow up to 30 inches long, making it the third heaviest snake in existence. Their coloration varies greatly, depending on what part of the world they come from. In North America, they tend to be yellowish-brown with black blotches. In Africa, they are often greenish-yellow with red spots.

12. Western Hognose Snake

The Western hognose snake, scientifically known as Gloydius griseus, is one of the most common pets in the United States. Over 60 different captive-bred colors exist, ranging from blue to green to yellow to white. These snakes are sold commercially, and many breeders produce hundreds of hatchlings each year.

Albinism is a genetic disorder where there is no pigment production in certain parts of the body, such as the skin or hair. This makes it difficult for people to distinguish between albino individuals and normal ones. Most albinos are born with light colored markings, while some develop dark spots later in life.

Super arctic Western hognoses are a subspecies of the western hognose snake that lives in Alaska and Canada. They are smaller than typical Western hognose snakes and have cream-colored bodies with black-rimed brown blotches. Their tails are often tipped with black.

Coral snow hognoses are another subspecies of the Western hognose snake that live in the Pacific Northwest. Like superarctic Western hognoses, coral snow hognoses have cream-colored bodies that are speckled with paler shades of pink, purple, and lavender. Some individuals have a bright red eye.

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