Tiger bite force

tiger bite force

Many wild creatures exist on the globe, and they all strive to live. Some graze on grasses, while others feed on other animals. Throughout the process, they all require a means of survival. That is when the concept of “survival of the fittest comes into play. Others with superior strength prey on those with lesser strength. The following is a list of the top ten most powerful jaws in the wild.

1. Saltwater Crocodile (Bite Force: 3,700 PSI)

Saltwater Crocodile bite force

Dr. Gregory Erickson, a professor of anatomy and paleobiology at Florida State University, performed a 10-year study to objectively assess jaw strength in all 23 crocodile species.

Erickson and his colleagues placed a biting force transducer wrapped in protective layers of bull hide between the jaws of several crocodiles.

After utilizing the biting force transducer to monitor the crocodiles, the maximum measurement of 3,700 PSI was achieved by a 17-foot saltwater crocodile.

This was the strongest biting force reported among the 23 crocodiles studied by Erickson. The biting force exceeds the value of 2,980 PSI for a 13-foot wild American alligator.

2. The Great White Shark (Bite Force: 4,000 PSI)

The Great White Shark

In 2008, an Australian team lead by Steve Wroe utilized advanced computer modeling based on numerous x-ray scans of shark skulls. A 21-foot great white shark’s biting power is estimated to be almost 4,000 PSI.

This is due to the fact that shark bite power is largely dependent on size.

3. Hippopotamus (Bite Force: 1,800 PSI)

Hippopotamus bite force

A hippopotamus’ bite can shatter an entire watermelon. It possesses two-foot-long tusks and a mouth that opens 180 degrees. Hippos also have the strongest jaws of any ruminant on the world.

They are very dangerous crocodiles.

In comparison to crocodiles, they are territorial and potentially violent. The hippopotamus is capable of biting a 10-foot croc in half.

While female biting forces have been measured at 1,800 PSI, male bite forces have allegedly proven to be too violent to test.

4. Jaguar (Bite Force: 1,500 PSI)

jagaur bite force

The Jaguar is the biggest cat in the Americas. It is not only the biggest but also the most powerful biter of any wild feline.

As it stands, Jaguar kills its prey by biting it on the skull, whilst other cats go for the neck. Its biting force is strong enough to puncture a turtle’s shell.

5. The gorilla (Bite Force: 1,300 PSI)


Gorillas also have a particular biting force. The gorilla relies on its powerful neck and jaw muscles. With their robust teeth that allow them to chew heavy shoots, nuts, tubers, bark, and other fibrous meals, their muscles are among the most powerful.

They are, nevertheless, herbivorous. Other characteristics found in adult males, like as long, sharp canines, are largely for show.

6. Polar Bear (Bite Force: 1,200 PSI)

polar bear bite force

Unlike other polar bears, the Polar Bear’s teeth are built to manage both plants and wildlife. Polar bears are carnivores. They don’t have any grass or tree leaves.

Because they only consume the flesh, their bite is well suited to their prey. Polar bears are the only animals that deliberately seek out people.

7. Hyena with Spots (Bite Force: 1,100 PSI)


When it comes to hunting, hyenas are unrivaled. They have strong jaws that allow them to scavenge on carcasses that other predators have left behind.

They actively seek out and kill their victim. They feature dual-purpose fangs that can shred tissue as well as crush bone. Because of their strong jaw muscles and arched shape, hyenas can harm themselves.

The fact that hyenas devour their own kill without leaving any leftovers is one of their distinguishing characteristics.

8. Bengal Tiger (Bite Force: 1,050 PSI)

Tiger bite force

The Bengal tiger is one animal that has a frightening show.

They have the ability to do so because they have the force to do so.

During a fight, the Bengal tiger exerts almost a thousand pounds of pressure per square inch. This is about double the biting force of the king of the jungle. The Bengal tiger has the largest canine teeth of any cat (2.5 to 3 inches).

9. Grizzly Bear (Bite Force: 975 PSI)

grizzly bear

The grizzly bear has enormous paws that allow it to attack moose with a single swipe. Aside from this enormous burst of energy, grizzlies have one of the most terrifying sets of choppers.

When it comes to biting force, grizzly bears have the bite force to smash a bowling ball.

Doctors in regions where grizzly bears are common have developed medicines to combat the deep-tissue bacterial infections that survivors frequently suffer from, possibly as a result of their propensity to bite deep into the flesh.

10. lion (Bite Force: 650 PSI)


You may have been reading and hoping to learn about a lion’s biting force. Surprisingly, the biting force of lions is just 650 PSI.

This bite force is not much stronger than that of the English mastiff, the hardest-biting domestic dog (550 PSI). Lions, on the other hand, are sociable animals.

They do not pursue their prey individually, but rather in groups and devour their kill where it falls. According to experts, this contributes to their inability to have a powerful biting force.

Humans, on the other hand, can only exert a maximum biting force of 160 PSI. This is just enough to get through a difficult steak sandwich.

The primary purpose of this article was to inform the reader of future animal bites that have the potential to be extremely dangerous. The secondary purpose was to give insight into how powerful animal bites work and how much damage they can really cause.

Currently, when an animal bite is sustained there are three reactions that typically take place: pain, redness surrounding the wound, and sometimes fever or swelling depending on where it happened. This is caused by our immune system’s response to invaders in which our body releases chemicals like cortisol and histamine (which cause inflammation) in order to protect itself from harmful bacteria entering through the skin.

When a bite has venom, however, it is a different story entirely. Venomous bites will release toxins into your bloodstream in order to kill you or keep you from harming them. Some venomous bites that are not life-threatening can actually just cause localized pain, redness, swelling, and fever. The most dangerous venomous bites are those that attack the nervous system first because it causes paralysis which leads to respiratory failure if left untreated for too long.

Generally speaking, snakes are known as nonvenomous animals but this is untrue. They actually contain some of the deadliest venoms found in nature. If bitten by a snake your best bet would be to identify what type of snake it is so that medical treatment professionals know how to treat you properly, then seek immediate medical attention no matter what type of snake it was because all snakes carry neurotoxins which means they attack the nervous system.

Also, read our article on A brief study on Tiger Pattern


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