Brown water snake

Are Brown water snake NON-VENOMOUS? The brown water snake, also known as the brown tree snake, is one of the most venomous snakes in Australia. Its bite causes pain, swelling and numbness. If you are bitten, seek medical attention immediately. Basic description The Brown Water snake belongs to the family...

Rainbow boa

The rainbow boa is one of the most fascinating snakes you could ever find in nature. This snake species lives in South America and it is known by many different names such as “rainbow boa”, “rainbow tree boa”, and “rainbow snake”. These are some of the things about this amazing...

Blue snake

Are There Blue Snakes? 13 Blue Snakes in The World :- 13. Blue-Lipped Sea Krait (Blue-Banded Sea Krait) The Blue-Lipped or "Blue-Banded" Sea Krait is an exceptionally venomous species of sea snakes found throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific region. These snakes are among the most dangerous snakes in the world, and...

Bull snake vs Rattlesnake

Bullsnake vs Rattlesnake: What's the Difference? There is often debate regarding the similarity between bullsnakes and rattle snakes. They both belong to the same family, the Viperidae, but there are some important differences. While rattlesnakes are found throughout North America, bullsnakes are native to South America. This makes sense since...

Cottonmouth vs Water snake

Harmless Watersnake or Venomous Water Moccasin? There are many harmless watersnake species that are frequently confused with venomous Water moccasins a. k. a. cottonmouths. In fact, some people believe that there is no difference between the two. However, there are several differences between them. The most obvious one is size....