Madagascar hissing cockroach
Madagascar hissing cockroaches are among the world’s most popular exotic pets. Their popularity stems from the fact that they are relatively easy to care for, and because they make loud noises that sound like human speech. This makes them ideal companions for children, and they are often seen as educational tools. However, there are several drawbacks to keeping hissers as pets. First, they are very territorial animals, and require a lot of space. Second, they do not hibernate, and therefore must be fed regularly. Third, they cannot survive outside of Madagascar. And finally, they are prone to developing serious diseases such as salmonella poisoning, which can lead to death.
The Madagascar hissing cockroach belongs to the family Gromphidae, subfamily Macrochelinae. This group contains about 5,500 species worldwide. They are commonly known as “hissing cockroaches”, though this term is often used interchangeably with “histerid cockroaches”. The word “cockroach” is derived from the Old English kokorkerge, meaning “crab”.
A typical adult Madagascar hissing cockroach measures approximately 11–14 cm long and weighs 0.5 g to 2.0 g. Their bodies are covered in dark brown hairs, except for their ventral surface, where they are lighter colored. Males tend to be slightly larger than females. Their coloration varies widely among different populations. Some populations are completely black, while others are mostly yellowish green. A few populations have been reported to be entirely red. The most distinctive feature of the Madagascar hissing cockroaches is their loud hissing noise, which is produced by forcing air out of special breathing structures called spiracles located on the fourth abdominal segment. When threatened, they produce a louder hissing sound. This behavior is similar to that exhibited by the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, whose loud hissing is thought to deter predators.
Madagascar hissing cockroaches live in tropical climates throughout Africa, Asia and Australia. They inhabit grasslands, savannas, marshes, swamps, forests, mangroves, caves, houses, gardens, sewers, drains, garbage dumps, and compost heaps. They feed primarily on decaying vegetable matter, including plant roots, fruits, seeds, flowers, leaves, fungi, animal droppings, dead insects, carrion, feces, and human food scraps. In addition, they are omnivorous and eat small amounts of soil, pollen, nectar, honeydew, sap, and blood.
They reproduce quickly and continuously; males typically mate several times per day. Females lay eggs every three days. Each egg hatches into a larva that consumes the yolk sac within the mother’s abdomen. Larvae molt five times over the course of one month, developing into adults. Adults usually live for up to 10 months.
Associations with other animals
Gromphadorholaelap schaefferii is a parasitic mite found on the underside of the wings of adult male Phaneropterinae cockroaches. In addition to feeding off the insects’ blood, it also consumes debris such as dust particles that cling to the insect’s exoskeleton. This association is most common among the genus Phaneropterus, although G. schaefferi has been observed parasitizing several different genera within the family Blaberidae.
The mite is named for German entomologist Hermann von Schäffler.
As pets
The Madagascar cockroach is one of the most common types of cockroaches found throughout North America. These pests feed on decaying matter and excrete feces that smell like rotten eggs. While they are generally considered harmless, they can cause damage to homes and businesses due to their ability to reproduce rapidly. Cockroaches tend to congregate near areas where there is a lot of moisture. This includes kitchens, bathrooms, basements, attics, garages, crawlspaces, and sewers.
Cockroaches are omnivores that eat both plant material and animal tissue. Their diet consists primarily of insects, fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, and carrion. However, they will consume anything edible that they find. Cockroaches are particularly fond of cheese, meat, bread, milk, and chocolate. In addition, they enjoy sweets, alcohol, and tobacco. Because of their taste for sweet foods, cockroaches often become attracted to sugar spills.
An adult female Madagascar cockroach can lay up to 300 eggs per month. Each egg hatches into a nymph within 24 hours. After about a week, the nymph develops into an adult insect. Females can produce four generations each year.
How to care for Madagascar cockroaches
While they are generally considered harmless to humans, cockroaches can carry several diseases. If you notice signs of illness in your home, consult a pest control professional immediately. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and weight loss. Cockroaches are also carriers of bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli.
Inspecting your house regularly for roach infestations is very important. Look inside cracks and crevices for evidence of roaches. You can use sticky traps baited with peanut butter or corn syrup to catch the bugs. Also look under sinks and behind appliances. Once you identify roaches, treat them promptly with roach spray. Madagasca Cockroaches are omnivores. They can eat meat too.